Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wind In The Hair

The wind in the hair effect is an infectious look applicable to both runway and print. Embodying this kind of style would definitely take effect if your hair obviously participates.

Being in a country where there are only two seasons applicable (summer and rainy), it is quite hard to keep up with a style that would suit one's personality and bring edge to something normal. However, with all efforts of research and the availability of materials, thanks to our western friends (wink), choosing hairstyles for a hot season can always be as fun as making lemonade with so much ice.

Here are some hairstyles that I myself have handpicked.
Personal thought with these looks: Often do bangs accentuate the beauty of the eyes, however, during a hot season, you can keep the bangs and let it fly up, or better keep it rather short and clean to clear the face ;)

Think it works for you? Try it! ;)


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